In late 1991, Walt Disney Animation released their animated version of the classic French fairytale Beauty and the Beast. Having achieved surprising success with their previous release, the animated version of the Hans Christian Andersen tale The Little Mermaid, Disney hoped their Beauty would go on to enjoy even more success … and boy did [...]
In late 1991, Walt Disney Animation released their animated version of the classic French fairytale Beauty and the Beast. Having achieved surprising success with their previous release, the animated version of the Hans Christian Andersen tale The Little Mermaid, Disney hoped their Beauty would go on to enjoy even more success … and boy did it ever. Beauty and the Beast captured the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world and has the distinction to be the first animated film in history to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture (in a time LONG before animated films were as treasured as they are now). Disney had planned to re-release Beauty and the Beast in a remastered 3D version here in US theaters earlier this year but has since decided to push back its release until 2011 … but the film, in all its new 3D glory will be released in New Zealand next month. Here is our first look at the movie trailer for the new 3D version of Disney‘s Beauty and the Beast:
Walt Disney Studios New Zealand has just released a teaser trailer for Beauty and the Beast in Disney Digital 3D. According to the trailer, it begins performing in the country August 12 in a very limited release. The 3D theatrical release of the film, which was originally slated for Valentine’s Day of 2010 in the United States, has been generating tremendous buzz to the point where it’s been suggested that The Lion King and other Disney animated classics may soon follow suit. It’s expected to open domestically in 2011, most likely during the Valentine’s Day timeframe, but no official date has yet been announced.
There was something about Beauty and the Beast that captured that Walt Disney magic in animation that had been lost for decades … The Little Mermaid had a bit of that magic but Beauty just soared into the stratosphere and reawakened our love for animated films in a way that has never died down since … and now this very special film is back! After the jump, check out the just-released movie trailer for the Beauty and the Beast 3D …
I always consider The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin as Disney‘s greatest modern accomplishment in animation. It was the success of these films that led to the creation of more animated films, pushing the boundaries so that Pixar could move animation into the digital world. As much as I love Pixar films, they absolutely cannot touch the magic that exists in the Disney animated films that were made in the early 1990s. I know some of y’all may poo-poo the notion of Beauty and the Beast getting the 3D treatment but I’m excited that the film will be shown in theaters again. No lie, Beauty and the Beast has to be my all-time favorite Disney animated film … in my mind, surpassing even the classic Disney films like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, etc. For me, this is very exciting news. And while I’m bummed the US release date has been pushed back to 2011, I’m glad that I’ve been made aware of the film’s release so that I can look forward to its re-release. Any Beauty fans out there? Are you as excited about this news as I am?
Olivia Wilde
Megan Fox
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